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Momentum Advertising Privacy Policy




Last update June 5, 2012

The privacy of our members, clients, and subscribers, is of primary importance at Momentum Advertising. It is important that you are fully informed about the use of your data by Momentum Advertising. For the purpose of this document, the term "our subscribers" shall refer to both subscribers of all publications and websites owned and/or operated by Momentum Advertising, as well as clients of Momentum Advertising.

Momentum Advertising maintains all data personal or otherwise in its proprietary database. Momentum Advertising does, however, provide "optional" information such as general geographical information, gender, race, profession, income, age, contact information to our clients. Momentum Advertising remains dedicated to providing notice and choice to all Momentum Advertising subscribers. With every advertisement sent from Momentum Advertising subscribers are provided the option to remove themselves from future advertisement offers . Once a subscriber chooses to be removed from our database, the subscriber will no longer receive any offers from Momentum Advertising. Please note, however, the subscriber may still receive offers from other non-affiliated companies he or she may have subscribed to. The subscriber must unsubscribe with these companies in the manner provided through the non-affiliated company.

Momentum Advertising issues cookies

Solely to assign a randomly generated, unique identifier in order for Momentum Advertising to track customer conversions. Momentum Advertising tracks responses to advertising campaigns; however, Momentum Advertising does not track your other web browsing activities. Please note that some of our customers' websites may use cookies; therefore, it is recommended that our subscribers take the time to review the privacy policies, when provided, of any websites prior to entering their information.

Subscriber Policy
Momentum Advertising internally manages the information provided to Momentum Advertising via surveys, marketing campaigns affiliate companies, websites, and other means. Additionally, Momentum Advertising purchases and manages marketing data generated by over 128 other affiliate sites and organizations such as Google, MSN, News publications, Journals, State and Federal Government Offices, Licensing and Trade Originations, etc. To subscribe, subscribers must provide a minimum amount of data (Mailing address, Age, Gender, Profession, Income, Educational information, and household data). Additional information is also requested from subscribers during the subsequent to the subscription. After the initial subscription data is further confirmed by matching it against our licensed consumer database of consumers. To better provide our subscribers with relevant offers, Momentum Advertising appends traditional data to subscribers records. Momentum Advertising solutions send targeted marketing offers that are of value to our subscribers interest and demographic data.

Momentum Advertising values your privacy. Subscribers' personal information will not be shared with any third party except if compelled to do so by proper judicial or governmental authorities. With the exception of marketing offers conducted by a third party to its customer database, all marketing data is controlled by Momentum Advertising.

It is even easier to be removed from the Momentum Advertising database than it is to subscribe. Subscribers can choose to be removed from our database and terminate subscription at any time. To unsubscribe, simply contact Momentum Advertising via phone, fax, mail, or email with the information posted on any Momentum Advertising offer. You can also choose to remove yourself from our database at any time via the Momentum Advertising website.

All subscribers information is protected by our state-of-the-art technology All records in the Momentum Advertising database are maintained in our internal data center utilizing the latest technologies to secure, house, and serve the data. All data is housed on redundant servers and protected.

Momentum Advertising encourages you to revisit our Privacy Statement to keep informed of any changes






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 Momentum Advertising   11344 Coloma Rd. Gold River, CA 95670  Copyright 2007-2024

careers@momentumadinc.com   Contact us directly: (916) 527-8401    (949) 430-0428    (916) 548-6645   


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