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Momentum Advertising


Local search placement is more important than ever



With our search placement we get you listed on over 50 the search engines, maps, and business directories customers use to find local services.

We get you found when it counts. Our state-of-the-art technology, hundreds of search experts, targeted data from Customers, Customer reviews, Maps everything is used powers a search strategy for your business that gets results, every time.

In the past year, search engines have changed the way they display website results for local businesses. In the past, local results were not given much priority in search results. Today they are the most prominent result below the paid advertising links. Why is this important? Because anyone that does a search for a local business such as "Miami Dentist" will see the local results very high in the search results. For example:

Google Results:



Yahoo Results:


Professional advertisement design - Momentum Advertising has an experienced design team with proven


In today's crowded online marketplace, it takes more than a SEO or SEM approach to get found when customers search. Cutting through the competition requires a strategy that is data-powered, hyper-local and flexible enough to evolve with the ever-changing online landscape.

With Momentum Advertising our state-of-the-art SEO solutions come integrated into every service. We get you listed on over 50 the search engines, maps, review pages, and business directories customers use to find local services. We setup lead generating wed pages / landings pages that are fully optimized and designed to generate requests from new and repeat customers. We then drive your search placement higher up the pages via organic search, paid placement, keywords, volume of customers searching for your company after they receive your special offers via our direct marketing, etc. etc. Basically we do everything for you to get your company growing.

With Momentum Advertising you pay us when you get results. After the setup and the first three months of service, you only pay the months you are on the front page of Google*.


Interesting Facts:

  • 75% of users don't scroll past the first page - Marktshare.Hitslink.com

  • 85% of consumers search online for local services - searchengineland

  • 78% of consumers' purchasing decisions are impacted by online review - customerlobby

  • 79% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations -searchengineland

  • Map page listing increase visitor traffic and drive user action





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 Momentum Advertising   11344 Coloma Rd. Gold River, CA 95670  Copyright 2007-2024

careers@momentumadinc.com   Contact us directly: (916) 527-8401    (949) 430-0428    (916) 548-6645   


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