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Momentum Advertising


Prospecting Solutions For Niche Markets


Lead Generation for Medical / Healthcare Industry Momentum Advertising can help fill your sales pipeline with high-quality healthcare patient leads. We have years of experience reaching out to a wide array of consumers and have a deep understanding of the sensitive nature of this type of outreach.  Click here to Learn More



Lead Generation for Financial Services When it comes to making decisions about financial services, finding the right consumer or the right person within an organization is vital. Rather than waste the time of your sales team, chasing up poor leads with inappropriate contacts, why not let us help to generate finance leads for you? We provide 100% exclusive financial leads that are targeted at your business. Click here to Learn More



Lead Generation for Software Development Companies One of the most time-consuming parts of the sales process can be the lead generation stage. Discovering who your target audience is, what competition there is for your goods and services or who the right person is in a target organization to have a meaningful conversation with can be problematic. We can help you with lead generation. Click here to Learn More



Lead Generation for Energy & Manufacturing Companies The diversity of the manufacturing sector means that any marketing strategy needs to be individually tailored to your organization. With a wealth of experience in working with manufacturers of all shapes and sizes, Momentum Advertising is ideally equipped to assist your current sales team with a range of different tasks. Click here to Learn More



Lead Generation for E-commerce / Retail Online retail is one of the most competitive fields out there, so it’s vital that the individuals who use your goods and services are aware that you’re available to meet their needs. Click here to Learn More



Lead Generation for Business Consulting Firms If you’re in the business consulting sector, you’ll know that your reputation, credibility, and expertise in your field are some of your most tradable assets. Click here to Learn More



Interesting Facts:


Non-intrusive media, such as newspapers, magazines, and yellow pages, tend to reach only buyers who are looking for the product. They are poor at reaching prospects before their need arises, so they're not much use for creating a predisposition toward your company. The patient, consistent use of intrusive media, such as direct mail, email and telemarketing will win the business of relational customers long before they're in the market for your product. Entrepreneur magazine.

With new channels emerging almost weekly, marketers are coming under pressure and must to connect with their customers across multiple channels and in meaningful ways. As all Consumers become more exposed to an increasing number of marketing and media touch points, it is now critical for marketers to use, integrate and measure multi-channel marketing activities and gauge consumer reactions Experian

Every single business should leverage the power of targeted data The remarkable change is that companies of all sizes now have access to revenue-driving solutions, not just the
insight. From the growth-stage startups to the largest of retailers, we should expect this year to be the year that business leaders across the board are using targeted data to drive results.
Entrepreneur magazine

97% of consumers search for local businesses online. Another: 73% of all online activity is related to local content. it’s vital to take steps to elbow your way on to the first page of search results. Inc. Magazine




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 Momentum Advertising   11344 Coloma Rd. Gold River, CA 95670  Copyright 2007-2024

careers@momentumadinc.com   Contact us directly: (916) 527-8401    (949) 430-0428    (916) 548-6645   


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