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Momentum Advertising


Targeted Email Marketing


Email promotions and offers generate immediate action: sales, downloads, inquiries, registrations, etc. Informative email newsletters and offers send people to offline stores and events, prepare the way for catalogs, build awareness, contribute to branding, strengthen relationships, encourage trust and cement loyalty.


Email marketing outperforms all the other types of direct marketing media.


According to research conducted by the Direct Marketing Association, email marketing generates a Return on investment (ROI) of $43.62 for every dollar spent on email marketing.  (see reference reports below)


Every Momentum Advertising Email Marketing solution provides the following:

Customer database:   The Momentum Advertising targeted database administrators compile your most profitable database of customers with your most opportune demographics. (Example: Location, Income, Profession, Age, Sex, Marital status, Credit, Special interest, etc.)


Momentum Advertising offers access to one of the largest databases of targeted B2B and B2C customers in the world. The Momentum Advertising database has over 290,372,000  U.S.  business and consumers records; over 319,393,400 EU business and consumers records; and over 143,104,850 Latin America business and consumers records. Over 4,500,000 new records are received  annually and processed within Seven days of receipt. Over 90,000,000 contacts are made annually to verify, append, and update our marketing data.

Professional advertisement design:  Momentum Advertising has an experienced design team with proven results in postal direct ads, online marketing, email marketing, magazine and journal marketing, television and info-commercial marketing. With Momentum Advertising you get the very best advertisement design without the headaches.

Mailing  Your Advertisements:  Momentum Advertising uploads and completely tests your advertisements on all computer operation systems to ensure your marketing success. When conducting your marketing campaign Momentum Advertising administrators monitor your campaign in real time on the internet; compile stats and reconfigure your campaign on the fly to deliver the best return.

Guaranteed Delivery:  Momentum Advertising Guarantees all your advertisements are delivered to the right targeted customer, on time, every time.

Marketing Stats 24/7:  TTC Marketing provides complete statistics for every campaign available for your review and download 24/7 on the Momentum Advertising website. Stats are displayed for every marketing campaign and show detailed information about the transmission and the successes per range.

Marketing management:  Professional management of your marketing. The entire Momentum Advertising team is responsible for managing your success. The Momentum Advertising partners oversee every stage of your marketing starting with the building of the most profitable demographics of your customer data, Managing your advertisement design, and monitoring your ROI per marketing campaign.

Momentum Advertising targeted Email marketing is priced per advertisement campaign size as followed:

10,000 Ad Campaign


(Cost per advertisement: 0.05 each)

50,000  Ad Campaign


(Cost per advertisement: 0.02 each)

100,000  Ad Campaign


(Cost per advertisement: 0.015 each)

300,000 Ad Campaign


(Cost per advertisement: 0.0083 each)

500,000 Ad Campaign


(Cost per advertisement: 0.007 each)



Order your Targeted Email Marketing Service:

Momentum Advertising Targeted Email marketing campaigns are priced per unit. To order your Momentum Advertising Targeted Email marketing solution or to request information  Click here

For more information on Targeted Email marketing contact your Account Manager or
Click here

With the Momentum Advertising targeted email marketing service your advertisements are delivered to the right targeted customer, on time, every time, Guaranteed. 



Momentum Advertising provides advertisement design and Guaranteed Results 



Momentum Advertising Designers create custom advertisements that capture your customers interest. Combined with Momentum Advertising data, the right offer, and the right sales team your marketing campaign will be a huge success. Momentum Advertising can create a new image for you, improve your existing advertisement design, or work with your internal design staff to format your current advertisement. For Design samples contact your Momentum Advertising partner by Clicking Here


The most important factor when choosing a Marketing Firm is Results. Momentum Advertising provides Guaranteed Results based on the products and or services offered, current marketing conditions, the marketing media used, and marketing campaign size. For more information contact your Momentum Advertising partner by Clicking Here



Email marketing outperforms all the other direct marketing

Here are just a few of the references, comments, and reports:


People unfamiliar with email marketing often wonder what all the fuss is about. Didn't spam kill email as a marketing vehicle? And if spam didn't kill it, what about blogs, Twitter and all the other clever ways we can communicate online? Isn't email outmoded?


Those wondering about the benefits of email marketing in today's ever-changing online and marketing environment will find the answers below:


Email marketing  works - Businesses engage in email marketing because it works. And works well. Here are the numbers...

  • According to research conducted by the Direct Marketing Association, email marketing generated an ROI of $43.62 for every dollar spent. The expected figure is $42.08. As such, it outperforms all the other direct marketing channels examined, such as print catalogs (reference).

  • In Datran Media's Annual Marketing & Media Survey, 39.4% of industry executives said the advertising channel that performed strongest for them was email. This was the top result (reference).

  • The Ad Effectiveness Survey commissioned by Forbes Media in Feb/March revealed that email and e-newsletter marketing are considered the second-most effective tool for generating conversions, just behind SEO (reference).

  • A summer survey of Irish marketers found 79% rating email marketing as important or very important to their marketing strategy (reference).

  • Shop.org's State of Retailing Online survey of retailers found that "E-mail is the most mentioned successful tactic overall" (reference).

  • A December survey of hundreds of marketers by Marketing Sherpa saw pay-per-click search ads rank top for ROI, followed by email marketing to house lists in second place (reference).

  • A February/March retailer survey by shop.org revealed that email marketing has the second lowest cost per order (CPO) of any online marketing tactic. The CPO of $6.85 compares favorably with, for example, paid search's CPO of $19.33 (reference).

The money is following the results:

  • A December survey of 300 email marketers  found that their companies were feeling the effects of recession, but "four out of 10 marketers reported that their email budgets in 2010 would increase, and nearly half (47 percent) said their budgets would stay the same" (see press release).

  • A November 2009 survey of B2B marketers found that email marketing was likely to see more spending increase than any other form of online marketing bar website development (report).

  • A Q2 survey of over 5,000 senior US executives revealed that email marketing was the channel most likely to see an increase in marketing budget (see press report).

  • 46% of North American small businesses surveyed by Hurwitz & Associates use email marketing, with another 36% planning to do so in the coming year (press release).

  • Seven out of ten UK marketers surveyed by the DMA expected expenditure on email marketing to increase over the next 12 months (press release).

  • In Veronis Suhler Stevenson's annual Communications Industry Forecast suggested total spend for email will grow from $11.9 billion  to $27.8 billion  (see press report).

  • A survey of senior marketing executives by the European Interactive Advertising Association revealed that 46% of respondents plan to invest more in email (report).

  • In Datran Media's Annual Marketing & Media Survey, 58.5% of industry executives said they planned to increase investment in email. Only 5.7% planned to decrease it (reference).

  • Internet Retailer's email marketing survey found that 51.6% planned to increase spending on email during the recession, and only 4.7% planned to decrease it (reference).

  • Shop.org's State of Retailing Online survey of retailers found that 88% of them list "e-mail as a high priority for the year" (reference).

  • A survey of US B2B marketers by Marketing Profs and Forrester Research found that 39% planned to increase email budgets, while 11% planned a decrease (reference).

  • The CMO Council's Marketing Outlook Report reviewed the plans and opinions of 650 marketers. Email marketing was the top target area for investment  (press release).

  • A survey of B2B marketers in November, noted that 68.3% intended increasing spending on email marketing  (reference).

  • The DMA estimate spending on email marketing (in the USA) will increase from $600 million in 2008 to $700 million (reference).

Why it works

Email marketing works for a variety of reasons...

  • It allows targeting

  • It is data driven

  • It drives direct sales

  • It builds relationships, loyalty and trust

  • It supports sales through other channels

Modern email marketing services and solutions support database integration, segmentation and various other tricks and techniques for improving the targeting of outgoing messages. Advanced methods generate on-the-fly emails customized down to an individual recipient basis.

And every email campaign you send out generates a heap of actionable data you can use to refine your approach and messages.


Email promotions and offers generate immediate action: sales, downloads, inquiries, registrations, etc. Informative email newsletters and other emails send people to offline stores and events, prepare the way for catalogs, build awareness, contribute to branding, strengthen relationships, encourage trust and cement loyalty.

To Place your order Contact your Momentum Advertising partner or
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For more information on targeted Email marketing contact your Momentum Advertising partner
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