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Customer Advisory Boards


Customer Advisory Boards (CAB) allow your customers to offer advice on yours product and or services. They provide valuable feedback and a  great way to improve your products and or services. CAB also ensure your development is in sync with your base customers needs and wants.


Your customers know what they want, which makes them your companies best source of information. A customer advisory board puts your business decision makers in direct contact with the people who use your service or product, so you gain helpful insight into what makes them tick including their feelings about your offerings, marketing strategies, and competition. Its also a great way to enhance your bond with customers and let them know that you value their input.

Build strong customer bonds. Get great feedback. - Momentum Advertising facilitates your customer advisory boards needs and helps you make better-informed decisions about industry trends, business priorities, and strategic directions. In the process, we link you directly to the voice of the customer so that you can improve your business knowledge and strengthen customer relationships. Well-run customer advisory boards are different from other marketing efforts because they provide rare two-way communication that can help you differentiate your offerings and drive sales.

When your are ready to benefit from keen customer feedback, Momentum Advertising will make sure that you invite the right participants, set the right agenda, and choose the right facilitator.


The information you collect will help you achieve future results, while showing your executives a great return on investment.


Order your Advisory Boards Service:


Momentum Advertising Advisory Boards prices are provided by estimates only. To request information or to get a price quote on our services Click here

For more information on Advisory Boards contact your Account Manager or Click here


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 Momentum Advertising   11344 Coloma Rd. Gold River, CA 95670  Copyright 2007-2024

careers@momentumadinc.com   Contact us directly: (916) 527-8401    (949) 430-0428    (916) 548-6645   


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