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Momentum Advertising


Prospecting Solutions For Niche Markets

Lead Generation for E-commerce / Retail Online retail is one of the most competitive fields out there, so it’s vital that the individuals who use your goods and services are aware that you’re available to meet their needs.  


Unfortunately, it’s often not enough to simply send your message out and see who responds; particularly if you serve a niche market, better results can be achieved by proactively reaching out to potential customers, identifying the need they have for what you’ve got to offer and giving them an irresistible invitation to partake. We can make this happen for you, using our skilled and experienced team to complete every part of the outbound sales process



100% Exclusive Data And High-Quality Contacts


Our professional team can take care of everything from list-building through to appointment setting, emailing and chasing contacts who didn’t want an appointment first time around. We use human intelligence and account based outreach to deliver exceptional results, no matter what the nature of your business might be. We are able to work flexibly and responsively, dovetailing with your existing sales activity in order to add value. Whether you want us to undertake the entire sales process or just some parts, we have the capacity to hit the ground running and start delivering the results you crave.



Results Orientated And Determined To Deliver A Measurable ROI


We understand that it’s vital that the money spent on your sales process delivers quantifiable results. Our way of working includes using carefully designed tools to measure the impact we have, enabling you to clearly identify the added value we bring. If you want to work with a company that has made outbound sales the center of their activities, we are here to help. To find out more about what we can offer and the type of outcomes we can deliver.





© Copyright 2007-2024 Momentum Advertising.    Terms of Service | Copyright Policy | Privacy Policy | What we do | Reseller Recruiting Targeted SEO Marketing | Press Release | Targeted eMail Marketing | Social Media Marketing | Targeted Voice Casting | Postal Direct Marketing | Targeted Telemarketing | Targeted Leads | Marketing & Consulting | Marketing Management | Content development | Design Services | Customer Engagement | Advisory Boards | Customer Communities | Reference Marketing | Community Marketing | Business Intelligence | Business Intel Consulting | Marketing Lists | Marketing Operations | Bulk Mail Center | SelfMailer Marketing | Fax Broadcasting | Pop-Up Marketing | PDF Form Designing | Presentation Designing | Site Map


 Momentum Advertising   11344 Coloma Rd. Gold River, CA 95670  Copyright 2007-2024

careers@momentumadinc.com   Contact us directly: (916) 527-8401    (949) 430-0428    (916) 548-6645   


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