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Targeted Leads

Marketing Presence

Local Search Placement

Local Direct Marketing

Local Marketing Data

Reseller Recruiting
Targeted SEO Marketing

Press Release Service
Targeted eMail Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Targeted Voice Casting

Postal Direct Marketing

Targeted Telemarketing

Marketing & Consulting

Marketing Management

Content development

Design Services

Customer Engagement

Advisory Boards

Customer Communities

Reference Marketing

Community Marketing

Business Intelligence

Business Intel Consulting

Marketing Operations

Targeted Marketing Lists

Bulk Mail Center
SelfMailer Marketing
Fax Broadcasting
Pop-Up Marketing
PDF Form Designing
Presentation Designing
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Customer Reviews

Momentum Advertising


Momentum Advertising Reviews


Customer Reviews, Testimonials and maybe a few comments on how we can improve.


We ask our clients and consumers to fill out a survey after we provide services. The results are outstanding. These are real people with real opinions, unedited (with the usual exceptions of personal info, profanity and off topic remarks being removed) and uncensored.

Please post your Compliments, Suggestions, or Complaints. So we can provide better services. We post reviews as is, but will not post comments that contain profane language or off-topic remarks. So, tell us exactly what you thought!


Greatly enjoyed working with you over these many years


We have greatly enjoyed working with you over these many years,
and really appreciate their ability to take on marketing for  wide variety of projects
for us and deliver us great results, cost effectively and when we need
it. We hope to continue the work for many years to come!

Kevin S.  /   More then 12  month ago

We so appreciate what Momentum Advertising does for us



We so appreciate what Momentum Advertising does for us. We are always on a time
crunch and you are always ready and willing to get our projects done in
the time frame we ask. That is extremely helpful in the success of our

Kenneth P /  More then 12  month ago 

Momentum Advertising has been well worth our investment



We are thrilled with the response that we have received We definitely plan to continue our advertising with Momentum Advertising has been well worth our investment.



Caitlin B.  /  More then 12  month ago 

We've always been impressed



We've always been impressed with the level of service we've received from our Senior Account Executive John, and all his production staff.


Louise H.  /  More then 12  month ago

Our Momentum Advertising account manager is extremely Knowledgeable



Not only does Momentum Advertising deliver customers to our office, our Momentum Advertising account manager is extremely Knowledgeable and helpful, and your production staff couldnt be better!


William N.  /  7 month ago

Bunch of positive feedback while the ads were running



We got a bunch of positive feedback while the marketing was running, and for weeks after. Plus, the whole team at Momentum Advertising is a pleasure to work with.


Rob T .  /  8 month ago

Very effective for us



Very effective for us. People remember us because the work Momentum Advertising did for us; we get comments all the time.



Rick B. /  9 month ago

I would highly recommend anyone to advertise with Momentum Advertising.



I would highly recommend anyone to advertise with Momentum Advertising. Its not just the service, but the personal contact that we receive that makes doing business with your company so great!


Tony L.  /  9 month ago

They were consummate professionals



They were consummate professionals while making the process efficient and easy.


Steven P.  /  10 month ago

Thanks for all your hard work



Thanks for all your hard work and help!!



Janet H.  /  10 month ago
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Momentum Advertising Reviews

 4.75 Stars

Based on  198 Reviews









The first step towards

successful marketing

is to schedule a call

or an appointment.















© Copyright 2007-2024 Momentum Advertising.    Terms of Service | Copyright Policy | Privacy Policy | What we do | Reseller Recruiting Targeted SEO Marketing | Press Release | Targeted eMail Marketing | Social Media Marketing | Targeted Voice Casting | Postal Direct Marketing | Targeted Telemarketing | Targeted Leads | Marketing & Consulting | Marketing Management | Content development | Design Services | Customer Engagement | Advisory Boards | Customer Communities | Reference Marketing | Community Marketing | Business Intelligence | Business Intel Consulting | Marketing Lists | Marketing Operations | Bulk Mail Center | SelfMailer Marketing | Fax Broadcasting | Pop-Up Marketing | PDF Form Designing | Presentation Designing | Site Map


 Momentum Advertising   11344 Coloma Rd. Gold River, CA 95670  Copyright 2007-2024

careers@momentumadinc.com   Contact us directly: (916) 527-8401    (949) 430-0428    (916) 548-6645   


Momentum Advertising

Momentum Advertising


United Domains

Momentum Advertising companies




