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Momentum Advertising Cloaked Webpages


Cloaking Web Pages is very sophisticated technique which drives your ranking up in the listings on search engines



Cloaking solves the perennial problem with website design and the conflict between making your site look outstanding and optimizing it for search engines. Generally an attention-getting, flashy site wont be optimized for site ranking because almost anything you do to make the page stand out (Graphics, JAVA, Flash, etc.) makes it harder for the search engines to read -- wherefore lowering your ranking. With Cloaked web pages, you can have the best of both worlds. Great attention-getting design, plus the most highly optimized pages no one ever sees - except the search engines!

1. Momentum Advertising registers shadow domains related to the primary one. All rights to the shadow domain name ceded to the client.

2. Momentum Advertising Web designers design a copy of your current web page(s) then use a unique Momentum Advertising optimized HTML code (key words, phrases, meta tags, alt tags, description tags, loaded headers, loaded footers, comment tags, footers and hidden metadata in the page bodies, footer, and heads). Momentum Advertising then creates a search engine-only shadow domain site with the sole purpose of driving traffic to your main web pages. These stealth websites will create the illusion of a stand alone site, albeit only a virtual one targeted solely for search engine spiders.

3. Momentum Advertising then drives the shadow domain sites ranking by generating loaded context pages fine-tuned for search engines indexing requirements and then feeding this optimized material to search engine spiders. Your cloaked web pages will actually consist of interlinked pages based on content upon each other. Hence, the illusion of a real life domain as perceived by automated search engine programs and leading to higher optimized rankings even in extremely competitive areas.

Cloaking also solves the problem of code hijacking. Within the high stakes of internet marketing their are some designers that are in business simply to steal the HTML optimized code of the highest ranking websites. With Cloaked web pages your site not only works to drive your site into the higher ranking, it gives you an advantage over your competitors because they will never see the highly optimized pages that result in your higher ranking.



Order your Cloaking Webpage Service:


Momentum Advertising Cloaking webpage's are priced per page. To request information or to get a price quote on our  services Click here

For more information on Cloaking webpage's contact your Account Manager or
Click here

Momentum Advertising provides advertisement design and Guaranteed Results 

Momentum Advertising Designers create custom advertisements that capture your customers interest. Combined with Momentum Advertising data, the right offer, and the right sales team your marketing campaign will be a huge success. Momentum Advertising can create a new image for you, improve your existing advertisement design, or work with your internal design staff to format your current advertisement. For Design samples contact your Momentum Advertising partner by Clicking Here


The most important factor when choosing a marketing Firm and media is Results. Momentum Advertising provides Guaranteed Results based on the products and or services offered, current marketing conditions, the marketing media used, and marketing campaign size.  For more information contact your Momentum Advertising by Clicking Here






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 Momentum Advertising   11344 Coloma Rd. Gold River, CA 95670  Copyright 2007-2024

careers@momentumadinc.com   Contact us directly: (916) 527-8401    (949) 430-0428    (916) 548-6645   


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